Saturday, June 12, 2010

My Life Is Complete. Almost.

A lot can happen in a week.

And I mean a lot.

I've seen Green Day AND Joan Jett & The Blackhearts live! (My life is almost complete now. Really.) I can't quite describe it, what it was like. But if you've been to a rock concert with 20,000 people, seeing that band you really love, then imagine that just ten times better. That's what it was like. It was great. Picture from the actual concert. I was there. Favorite Green Day song live: Minority. Fuck 'em all!!

And Joan Jett.. who's like.. a genius.

Life isn't all rock 'n roll though. Reality tends to get in the way sometimes.. I need a job! And about a month ago I applied for a job a this record shop, and three days ago they finally called me! Yey! They actually called me in for a job interview today, and, me being me, I thought a job interview was a job interview no matter what kind of store you'll be working at. Turns out I was wrong. Getting a job at this record shop (or one of them; there's like ten of them around here) is like auditioning for American Idol or something.

It wasn't an interview at all. I showed up at 10:45 am, along with 30 others. I found that kind of weird, since, you know, I thought there would be an interview. One on one. Anyway, we were told to have a seat in this class room like room with desks and all, which was about the time all hell broke loose.

There was a test! A test! Oh my god.

We had one hour to answer 100 question about music, movies and games. 100, I'm not kidding. And the questions were really f*cking difficult. Directors on movies I've never even heard of, producer of some pop song that was on the top 20 chart a year ago, who wrote this song, when, and when did he/she win what kind of award. Name all the guys in Metallica (wtf was that all about? haha), and, haha, listen to this; What's the name of Super Mario's brother. Jeeeez. I mean, I knew that one, but still. I think I answered about 50% of the questions. And I consider myself to know more than average about music and movies (not games though. I still don't know the difference between Nintendo Wii and PlayStation, sue me.)

Anywhoo, I'm not giving up! After all, I saw Green Day live! I mean, I can live on that single night for like a year, I'm sure.

I'm tiiired. 2:13 am right now. Blogger should have closing hours or something, they really should. Night, night, sleep tight!

Pics: Joan Jett source. Mario and Luigi source.

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