Saturday, June 19, 2010

I can't wait to see the leg hitch scene, umm ECLIPSE already!

"That's a bit saaaucy." - Robward Pattinson

I'm counting the days now for June 30th. I'm still in awe of how quickly these movies seem to pop out of nowhere. It's not like it's that freakin long since New Moon came out, and then here we go again! (Not that I'm complaining of course).

Since it's really not that long till June 30th (it's 9 days! Nine!) I've decided to re-read Eclipse. Just so I'm prepared, and have every detail fresh in mind. It is, after all, over a year since I last read it.

So that's what I'm gonna do for the next few days. Read, read and read some more. Read at the beach, read before I go to bed (that's never a good idea. I tried that the first time, and I stayed up until 2 am every night all week until I was finished reading the book. And then Breaking Dawn. Surprisingly, it didn't take any longer to read BD, so I must have stayed up even longer then) and while standing in line at the grocery store. Maybe.

If you're still in doubt; I love Twilight. I've loved it ever since I read the series in 2008/2009. And that was before the movie(s) came out. I love Edward too, despite his stalkerish ways..

I know it's wrong, but... it's Edward. As in Edward Cullen. So tell me, how can that be creepy?

Love, PW

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