Sunday, June 13, 2010

I'm confused.

I think I have some kind of bloggy disorder. The kind where you can't decide what layout you want to have. The kind where you do decide what layout you do not want to have, so you change it, only to change it again, and then eight more times before you change it back to something that looks approximately like the one you decided you didn't want to have.

Anyone got some great advice here? Pink? Black? Two columns? Three? This is too confusing. I need help.
Yeah, I need help with that one too, btw, just sayin. Please [insert innocent smile here]?
Pics: source


Carmen said...

Love this layout. Wish I knew how to make banners. I'd want one similar to this with the things I love. Good luck deciding!

PW said...

Thank you CJ:) I'm pretty happy with it too. I think. Haha. Actually, making a banner is very simple. I just find random pics at photobucket or flickr and edit them in Picnik. Go to, it's super easy, I swear;) (You can edit either a single pic or make a collage like the one I have up there;).