Thursday, May 27, 2010


I can't believe it! I have a blog. Woah. Haha.

No, really, I've had lots of blogs before, but they were all about something (like.. uh.. *cough, cough* Twilight for example. Yes I'm a fan, don't judge!), so this is very new. A personal blog. Not exactly name-and-address type of personal, but still quite personal. I'm going to blog about my life, random stuff that nobody cares about, things that interest me (books, music, art), things that annoy the crap out of me (pretty much everything..) and things that has nothing to do with anything (let's post a random picture!).

So where to start.. hmm. Let's start with today. Today was a pretty exciting day, I had my final English exam, written. I have absolutely no idea how it went. Maybe it went well, maybe not so well. Probably a bit of both. I don't know. It's really confusing. Are you starting to get confused too? Yeah, sorry.

I only have one question regarding the exam paper.. Here it is.. Ready? (And this isn't you I'm asking, this is for the people who make the exam, the people who decide which ridiculous poem they're going to force down our unsuspecting throats this time)..


There, I said it. Everything feels so much better now. See, the thing is, we had this really (and I mean really) weird task. First it's task 1 a) and b) right, and then there's 2, and then on 3 you have to choose a, b, c, or d. A) was analyse a poem, which I'm pretty good at, but it sucks the life out of me. B) was write a short-story (main character had to somewhat resemble with some characteristics that were told through another poem, but I have to be in the short-story mode to to a well written short-story in five hours, and I was so not feeling the creative flow at 8:45 am this morning.

Then there was c) which was an okay task; write about a female character in a piece of literature you've worked with this year and compare her to the female character in this excerpt from novel so-and-so (I think it was The Scarlet Letter). And then discuss females' role in society throughout history. It's a classic. I even wrote one of my projects about that, with Jane Austen's Emma as the source for my study of females during the 17th century. I probably should have chosen c), I can see that now. I definitely should have. But then again, where is the fun in doing the things you should do? Truth be told; there is no fun in that. So I went with d).

Do you know what the heading for task d) was? Are you even sure you want to know (I'm not so sure you do)?

Vampire Literature.

I kid you not. Vampire literature. For real. Here's what went through my mind when I read it through, For the love of all things holy, did I just get an exam on TWILIGHT?! You have got to be kidding me! I take everything I've ever said back. I am a believer. Miracles do happen. There is a God. A goddamn freaking amazingly cool God who obviously also enjoys vampire novels. Wow. Wow! Okay, okay, I have to move on to the actual writing part then.

My second reaction, however, after I had realized I would be able to write about something I actually knew something about, the have-you-completely-lost-your-mind thing popped up. I mean, for the love of Edward (no, I did not just say that), we are talking English culture and literature class here! Culture and literature. As in the presidents of the U.S. and William Shakespeare. Not Twilight. Never Twilight. So definitely not Twilight. Our teacher told us if there were any books we should not waste our time reading, it was the Twilight saga. I love to prove teachers wrong. Ha. Ha. Ha. We got an exam on Twiligh-ish novels (aka. vampire literature), so don't come and tell me it was all a waste of time.

Wohaa. Okay, I'm getting too excited right now. Back to the point, I wrote a full length, four page long essay on vampire literature. I think it went well. BUT (there's always a but..), my main worry is that I somehow came across as a crazy fangirl who would like to marry Robert Pattinson because he sparkles on the big screen I gave the "wrong" answer to the question they were asking, which was

"Write an essay in which you either defend this literary genre, giving your reasons both for its literary value and its popularity, or write an essay in which you agree with those criticizing it and state what you consider to be good literature." (We were given two quotes here as well).

But honestly, that's exactly what I did (I was for it, obviously). I guess I'm just a tiiiiny bit worried that they'll go like "Jeez, this girl is a nuthead. Twilight my ***". I hope not. I hope whoever corrects my exam is an avid vampire novel reader h**self. You never know... Miracles do happen, after all.

Sooo, where does that leave us.. Thanks for listening to me ramble. If you feel like rambling a bit yourself, leave me a comment (nobody probably will thought, since no one knows this blog even exists, but sill, I'm just sayin').

Finally, yes, I know you've been wondering about this all along, my name; Perky Wallflower, is a reference to Stephen Chbosky's novel "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" (which, by the way, I finished reading in under 24 hours a week ago. Needless to say, I thought it was beyond great). Absolutely no copyright infringement intended (I just felt like putting that out there in case someone plans on suing me. I don't think that's possible since I haven't actually copied the title or anything, but still, please don't.).

Have a great Thursday people, see you tomorrow!
Lots of love,

Pee Wee

(Perky Wallflower, get it? P. W. I know, I know, I'm too funny).

P.s. Since I find it incredibly annoying when people use pictures or stuff they haven't written themselves without quoting the source, I will be persistent in quoting my sources whenever I use any, including pictures. That's just how I roll (ugh.. that sounded a bit cheesy).

Wallflower book cover source. Let's party source. In love with Robert Pattinson source. To blog, or not to blog source. Where's my mind source.


Lea Elm said...

Hey, just stopped by your blog (saw the link on the robsessed page, hope you don't mind that I stopped by).
I was interested to read about your vampire-lit essay. I think there is a reason that vampire-lit continues to be popular. It's a Freud sort of thing I guess. All of our inner and most darkest of sins combined in books? Yes, please!
Hope it goes well with the essay!
- Ela

PW said...

Hey Ela! Yeah, good point, I think that's very true. Thanks, I hope so too! xo,PW